Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Mr. Baked Bean face

Today, my little man turned 16 months old! Except for his eating orally he's doing wonderfully. Not much of a vocabulary, but for the most part he gets his meaning across. Points, grunts, fusses and his favorite, mamamamama. He's getting better with the cats. Today Eric walked up to the chair Monster Kitty was snoozing in and started patting him on the head, a little rough but not too bad. He did go for the paws once, Monster lunged for him. I warned Eric he better back off the paws, so he went back to patting, a little harder. Finally I told him that too much petting by him isn't so good. He smiled and came running to me before Monster could take a chunk out of him. Still have problems with the fur grabbing, especially Kalamazoo long fur.

Since I started adding baby food to his g-tube feedings this past month...reflux has gotten much better (yes!), he's actually asking to taste food (before it was take the opportunity of an open mouth and shove food in and hope he swallows). Doesn't eat much, but we will take that, it's a start. We know it's going to take a while. Eric has tried different things like pickle juice, ketchup, mustard, BBQ sauce, tomato sauce, cheese sauce from mac and cheese, yogurt and ice cream. He's even swallowed a small piece of ham, pickle and hot dog, without gagging! His current favorite is baked beans. Here he is on Monday (7/28) with his beany face...

Proof that he actually went for the spoon...

What a cute messy face...

Tonight we went to Maggiano's Little Italy for just some calamari. He ate quite a bit of the marinara sauce, well for him it was quite a bit. He also loves iced tea, so he sipped daddy's tea and mama's water. Later, we had some Chik-fil-a and we were giving him a little bit of ketchup and BBQ sauce. He suddenly reached and dipped his finger in some ketchup and put it in his mouth. We were like yeah, alright. He was tasting it on his own! Woo hoo!

Here's a video of our little boy who's full of beans...

1 comment:

InWeighOverMyHead said...

This is GREAT news!!! He does look adorible!