Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Another fall outing...

This past Sunday we went to Shaw's Farm in Milford to enjoy a beautiful fall day. We started with the corn maze. It was definitely a lot easier than last year. They cut the stalks down so they were only about 5 feet high and the maze itself was just easy. Last year we were in there forever! Both of them had you find spots where you punch different shaped holes in a card. Once you got all of them and made your way out, you got a prize. This year it was two little pumpkins. So, they are sitting on my front porch.

"Oh my, something has fallen in my path! What should I do?"
"My heroes have come to save the day! Two men have arrived to remove the object which has prevented me from my journey. I can now continue to find the end of this maze."

After getting out of the backpack, Eric was more interested in pushing his stroller around than looking at the animals. He did stop long enough to have his picture taken with me and Gen. Custard.

Eric was ready to go by the time I decided I wanted his picture with the pumpkins. No smile. He barely stood still long enough for me to get this shot. In the others, he's trying to make his way out. Paul put him behind so I at least had a little bit of time to get a few shots. Earlier, Paul set him in front of a stack and he just walked off. No nap/rest time makes for a cranky baby.

Since his ear infection recovery, Eric is back to eating and trying new things. I got him some Baby Goldfish Crackers today, he thinks they are good. He only got about a third of the main course of his dinner tonight. I wanted to see how he would do with turkey and stuffing off the table, not pureed. He did really well. We were done eating and he wanted more. Now these were very small bites, but it did add up.
I wish I had my camera last night. Eric and I have dinner at my parents most Tuesdays. Most of the time when my dad hears that I've arrived he comes out to get Eric. As usual, I was getting Eric out of his car seat, he sees Grandpa coming out of the house, smiles, puts his hand up (hi) and gives his signature little happy grunt. I put him down, usually he wants to help close the car door, this time he ran to Grandpa with his arms up in the air. So, he gets picked up with a big swing, as Grandpa says "that's my boy." I just smiled and watched, wishing I could have had that filmed, a warm classic moment (sorry I'm mushy). No one can tell me that my little boy isn't loved just as much as a baby that I would have given birth to. Adoption is the most wonderful thing. I thank his birth mother every day for the best gift ever! And when we get our next child, I'll be just as excited to see the love my family will have for that little one.


Elizabeth said...

Maria, you are my second blogging buddy who has made me cry tonight. Mushiness must be in the air, lol. What a dashing young hero you have who cleared the path for you in the corn maze! Too cute!

Unknown said...

She ain't mushy... she's my sister.
And he's my little Buddy.
And Paul... well he's Paul. And that's OK too.
And yea... the next one will be loved just as much.