Saturday, August 9, 2008

Super Baby

One of Eric's speech therapists said we should do a picture book for him of the people and things he likes. We should be, notice "should be", sitting with him and pointing things out to help in his speech. Mamamama, is still about the only thing he says. Oh yes, grunts and points, typical man! It has his picture first so we/he can see that cute smiling face on the cover. And then there are pictures of mama, daddy, grandma, grandpa, Kalamazoo, Lucifer and Monster. Still need to add others of course. Then there are some of his favorite things like keys, shoes, balls and his favorite, Winnie the Pooh cuddle blanket. Can't go to sleep without it, unless he chooses to toss it out of the crib. Anyway, here is "Super Baby," notice the bib turned around like a cape, as he is checking out his picture book.

Just a little video of my busy body as he ignores the "Handy Manny" show I put on for him. Too bad I didn't get a video of when he fell into the basket reaching for his toy.

1 comment:

InWeighOverMyHead said...

Cute! You need to send me some pics and let me make you a really cool header for this page...