Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Handsome Boy

I can hardly get a picture taken before Eric stops what he's doing and comes running. He either hears the camera being turned on or sees the flash. I've been trying to capture him as he plays with the spice bottles and baking decorations, which is his current hobby, in the cabinet lazy Susan. He will just sit there and take bottles out, put them back in, not in the right spot mind you. Of course he zeros in on the glass ones, which he so proudly shows me. I'm waiting for him to launch one at me. I have a small collection on the counter, along with other things he doesn't need to be playing with. At times I can't get into that corner because he has twenty things spread out. Therefore I am putting things away numerous times during the day. I must remember that "this too shall one day pass." It will be nice not to find spice bottles in the various places he drops them off, like the barrel I keep plastic bags in.

Eric got his first "all over" professional haircut today. He's had some trims around the ears and off the back, just to keep him from looking like a hippy. He would never cooperate with me. At "Great Clips" he sat on my lap and was such a good boy! He even got to pick out his own "Dum Dum" sucker. Not sure if he knew what it was. He did make sure that he could hold it in the car and when we got to Grandma's the end of the stick was wet and chewed up. After unwrapping it he knew what it was. He got his first one last week from a neighbor. We finished that one up a few days later. Glad we were outside, he left a drool puddle at my feet.

He loves the swing but just would not smile! Like his haircut?

While we were at Grandma's he decided he wanted a snack. This was his first afternoon snack because normally he would have been taking a nap at the time, but he fell asleep this morning about the time I would have been getting him up from laying down/napping, hence he was running behind. I was dishing out leftovers (thanks Mom!) to take home. He pointed that he wanted some. I gave him bits of cold chicken, noodles, carrots, celery and onion while Grandma held him. Eventually, he wanted to sit in his chair. This is the kid who just starting to get interested in tasting food two months ago, I checked my blog "Mr. Baked Bean Face." Now, he tries just about everything. Breakfast right now is oatmeal with yogurt and bits of pancake/syrup. If I have toast he wants some of that or if it's cereal he wants to sit on my lap and have milk and a little cereal. Now, he'll take milk from the spoon, but not from a cup, go figure. The Pediasure isn't working. He doesn't like the banana (which I thought was pretty good) or chocolate. So, he gets 4 oz. of that in his tube with breakfast. Oh, and he LOVES Campbell's Chunky Chicken Corn Chowder. He had some for dinner Monday and was VERY upset when it was gone. Fruit saved the day! Anyhoo, guess it's time to start giving him more chunky pieces of food.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

He got scalped!!!!!!
What a sad sad day.